Code: M4016-00
Isolate DNA from stool using magnetic beads. Mag-Bind Stool DNA 96 Kit for isolation of genomic DNA from stool samples which isolates both pathogen and host DNA
The Mag-Bind® Stool DNA 96 Kit allows rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from stool samples which isolates both pathogen and host DNA. Up to 300 μL stool samples can be processed in less than 45 minutes. The system allows for automation after sample lysis via Thermo KingFisher™ Flex, Applied Biosystems® MagMAX™, Qiagen BioSprint, or other liquid handling instruments. Two protocols are available depending on the amount of inhibition and downstream sensitivity. It is recommended to begin with the standard protocol and if issues occur, use the inhibitor rich sample protocol.
The system combines the Mag-Bind® technology with HTR Reagent to eliminate PCR inhibiting compounds such as humic acid from stool samples. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, and hybridization applications. There are no organic extractions thus reducing plastic waste and hands-on time to allow multiple samples to be processed in parallel.